Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Ian Akers/Night Prowler

Name: Ian Akers/Night Prowler
Known Alias: The Vigilante, The Night’s Demon, The Night Demon, Demon of the Night, Spirit of the Night
Occupation: CEO and Chairman of Akers Tech Enterprises and SC Tech
cLASSIFICATION: Vigilante/Anti-Hero
Abilities: Agility, strength, speed, Strategic, Martial Arts Expert, Fighting Expert, genius level intellect, Stealth, indomitable will. (Gadgets and advanced high tech equipment) Active-Camo Suit
Known Relatives: Edward Akers (Father)(DECEASED), Lisa Akers(Mother), Julia Matthews (Family Friend),
Group Affiliation: None; The Outcastes,
Education: Ivy League Graduate


A well-known playboy billionaire with a secret double life. As a teenager his parents were killed right before his eyes while what was made to look like a burglary and watching from a panic room. His Aunt Julia Akers came in and raised him watched over him. Ian trained his body to reach a peak strength, speed, agility, reflexes and will power as well as endurance. Ian trained himself to be stealthy and worked on marksmanship. Ian with his self taught training learning from some of the greatest teachers in multiple martial arts and obtaining all knowledge he possibly could.  Ian has a genius level intellect. Ian despite trusting team mates and others keeps contingency plans to restraint and stop them. Ian fears nothing since the death of his father. And learning the survival of his mother and working with the Council, [A group of white collar criminals that run the city through fear and intimidation] responsible for the murder of his father who stood against them. Ian trained with Stephen Slater AKA Dead End, Sicarius at one point was his mentor. Learning everything from fighting styles to pressure points and silent takedowns. Ian has taken a life. He is very obsessive and does whatever it takes to accomplish his mission. Ian is not an executioner and strongly lives by this. He has trained his will and restraint to its peak. Ian trained his body to the peak of perfection and learned all he could to become the symbol that would haunt the criminals of the corrupt city as the Night Prowler.
Ian’s father Edward Akers CEO of Aker Tech Enterprises, a good man, father, husband and well known for his philanthropy in various cities using money to improve the cities the best he could. Keeping criminals somewhat at bay to a certain extent. Due to the fact that one of the Heads of the criminal organization known as the ‘Council’ Thomas Paine, grew up with Edward he never intended to over step respecting what was Akers and keeping what was his. Edward however was trying to bring down the criminal organization preparing files and making plans against them. By this point the council had a spy inside his home who informed the council of what Edward was planning. When this happened Thomas Paine would have a private meeting with Edward Akers one where he warned him indirectly to leave town. Edward that same night would have his house undergo an invasion. The home invasion lead by Assassins hired by the council. The Council would seemingly kill everyone in the mansion. While a young Ian Akers was forced to watch his father murdered before his eyes.

                Ian watching his father murdered from a small panic hole in the office would be where he would stash certain papers in the vent. When the power was knocked out Edward would take his son, running to the office, he would tell his son to hide there and not to make a sound. A scared young Ian Akers would hide and try to keep quiet. That night would change Ian’s life forever. After news would become known of Edward Akers death shocking the world. The death would be covered up by the Council the only threat against them and the assailants were if Ian survived to testify. Ian would be forced out into the public eye attempting to get justice in the corrupt and unjust city. Ian would step up and the night before the jury could reach a verdict them and the judge were paid off or disappeared. Turning a blind eye Julia Matthews would take over as Ian’s Legal guardian. Julia, after the death of Ian Akers father and disappearance of his mother was sent to keep a close eye on Ian and act as a guardian. Julia despite being referred to as his aunt she is actually not a blood relative but a close family friend. Julia knows how to fight well and teaches Ian training him early in the beginning of his journey after doing so Ian starts to take on his own path. She is a powerful woman figure, despite her age being that of a 19 year age difference from Ian they have more of a friend relationship. Julia after learning what Ian was doing would try to learn ways to help him in his crusade. Julia would act as CEO before Ian was old enough and try to help him to take control of his pain and turn it to something positive. Julia is sarcastic at times but a person who is devoted to her cause and will die before changing her beliefs. She is the person who helps Night Prowler be the anti-hero he is.
                         The night before the jury would reach a verdict they would attack Akers Mansion making an attempt on the boy's life Julia would help fend them off faking Ian’s death in the attack for years. After Ian would become obsessed with training his body starts his training with Julia, leading to him disappearing and training with some of the best and most dangerous assassins and fighters. Taking years to train and learn all he needed to know training his body to its absolute peak. Ian would be pushed to come out and reveal that he has been alive the entire time. Ian would come back returning into the public eye and become the CEO and chairman of Akers Tech Enterprises. Less than 24 hours later he would find some private files his father hid in the mansion acknowledging the Council’s existence and reasons behind his death. Ian would have the power get cut off in his home much like it was when he was younger. Ian was prepared, taking Julia and hiding her, Ian would take out and kill most of the armed assassins wearing a black mask he would use his training that night to stop them. Using a series of silent takedowns picking them off one by one until there was one he would break through the large glass window and pull the henchman through interrogating him to find out who sent him. When ACPD showed up they would come to the conclusion that there was a vigilante that came and made an attempt on his life. Nina would spearhead the investigation on this vigilante and the home invasion. Meanwhile Julia not seeing what happened was left in the dark. Knowing Ian took them out she questioned him on why he lied to the ACPD. Ian though says he didn’t he told them what they needed to know and that night checked out multiple failed projects in SC Tech, the small weapons division he recently acquired. The weapons division he would take the failed experiments that were never intended for the purpose he had used them for and modify them to serve his agenda.

                After Ian would become a vigilante at the ripe age of 17 using his inventions and wearing a specially designed black and white hooded jacket. Ian would find the notes and files on the Council he prepared asking his son to continue what he started if anything happened to him. Ian would take on the council for months before they began to call assassins to target Night Prowler. People like Scar Johannes AKA Sharp Shot, EDGE, Katana, RASH. Ian though has his worst enemy in a person he trained with a person that was a student with him a criminal known as the Jester. Jester is extremely well trained an expert fighter almost. One of the most threatening characters, Despite his name this character is no joke. Impulsive, insane and virtually unstoppable. Ian and Jester have encounters various times. One of his most notorious enemies, he is as much a threat physically as he is with his strategy and planning. His motives are simply to bring chaos. Dead End a person who trained with Ian teaching him how to fight. One of the people who is best known for his journey in learning how to fight is believed to be immortal a character known as Arezale. A mentor with most information being comprised of superstition and legends. Arezale believes in training with a balance tipping neither toward good nor evil. Giving these fighting techniques to those who are worthy. Arezale decides you are worthy set out by trying to find him. Certain Legends say only 2 men have ever seen him and lived in 400 years, Ian making the third. Arezale teaches Ian how to better fight to perfect his body and senses, as well as master his pain. Ian learns how to utilize fear and strategy to take on almost anyone thrown in front of him. Arezale allows Ian to leave under conditions he must not teach what he has been taught and can not affect the balance.
Returning to the city Ian would be changed forever constantly training himself pushing harder than ever to get better. While Ian is far from being the strongest, or the fastest, or even the best fighter he has self control and willpower that is almost unmatched. He is determined to succeed and refuses to give up or accept failure but always tries to find another way. Ian has had a few people who he has taken under his wing.
Derek Salvatore at the age of 13. Derek was thirteen when he was caught in the middle of a major drug circle filled with a city rotting. A teen comes home to find his entire family brutally murdered. After years on the streets, he caught the attention of Ian Akers. After this boy was orphaned he felt guilty for this boy losing his parents much like he did so he tries to adopt the boy and pays for the funeral of his family. Soon after Ian becomes more eager to find and stop his family's murderers. After a while Derek put it together the fact that Ian was Night Prowler. Ian had trained and taught him to live and work through pain, physical and emotional just as he did. Derek learned to master his speed, agility, and strength. He found that there was nothing left to fear after the death of his dark past he lived through. Ian learned to endure pain and endure the harshest conditions and trained rigorously with Ian learning all he could to prepare him. With a love for the night, learned to lurk in the shadows and remain unseen in the darkness. After learning and training his body to the peak of perfection Derek he became known as the Kid-Avenger. Eager to become his own person he became the Avenger. Ian became the acting CEO of SC-Tech after the believed death Ian, Derek began to see the city destroy tear itself apart and became the new Night Prowler leading up to his death and the return of Ian as the Night Prowler. With the Night Prowler family starting to grow more would step up and fight alongside The Night Prowler in his crusade.
Nadia DiHanks, Nina’s cousin and daughter of a former Special Black Ops Agent, Nadia knew how to fight very well at an early age. Using her small physique she was always better when it came to stealth. She trained herself and stole some things and made some tights and ran out and saved her father with some inventions of her own. But when she took an internship at SC Tech. She used her skills to get in and stole some weaponry. Then she upgraded her suit and went out and caught some attention then Steve looked into it. And Ian faced off against this girl then Steve learned who she was and talked to her and said he could train her correctly and she could work with them. She became the Night girl and protects the streets. She is Sarcastic often makes jokes and acts like a normal young teenage girl. Nadia however would hang up her cape for a while after the death of her cousin; Nina.
The Youngest asset to his team would be would join at the age of 9 but would not be out on the battlefield until he was 11. Kyle Johns, being a child brought up be abusive step parents Kyle ran away and stole and would work side jobs for crime bosses due to his amazing memory and use his size to work small jobs where he learned his skills. Kyle was often cheated and had a harsh child hood till Steve saved his life after he stole from the crime bosses that cheated him. Ian tried to help this 10 year old boy off the streets. Ian helps by giving him a place to stay in the mansion and food but soon after this Ian’s duel identity became known eager to be in the field he became the Kid-Avenger, and grew up to become the next person to take on the guise of the Avenger. Youngest of the Night Prowler family. Kyle is the son of Sicarius and tries to be more than his father working with Ian. He is taught to fight and has suppressed memories and didn’t know he was the son of Sicarius.

Ian keeping secrets to protect his team happens at times and leads to problems within the team. Stephanie Carles would be the first female Kid-Avenger. A girl that trained in gymnastics, she is taken in and trained deeper with Ian Akers. She is very agile and very fast but her strength isn't different from most teenage girls. Stephanie is smart and learns amazing accuracy. She was born in a crime oriented family. Very sarcastic and often doesn't do well when it comes to listening to orders. Stephanie was born in Arbor City. Her father a DA and her mother is unknown. Stephanie is eager to learn about her mother and it is believed that she is the child of Stephen Slater. Stephanie is alive in the moment type of girl. Stephanie becomes known as the first female Kid-Avenger. Stephanie eventually learned the truth that her father was Stephen Slater. She would leave the team striking out on her own. Leaving behind the mantle of Night-Girl.
In certain cases Ian felt that if he didn’t help some of them they would eventually be future threats. To other extents they were people who also helped him in certain times as Night Prowler and as Ian Akers. Giving him Moral and Emotional support and a familial bond and Vice versa. Night Prowler being who he is has lost many people in his life Nina being the prominent love interest of Ian Akers.
Nina White is a key person in Ian’s life. The Detective early on that would try to stick up for what Night Prowler was doing for the city. Nina is a strong willed young woman that fights for what she believes in eager to make her own path at an early age, she became a detective against her father’s wishes. Nina and Ian would have a complex past as children prior to the death of his father and disappearance of his mother. Soon after Ian would come out of hiding and Nina would come to be one of the detectives intrigued by this vigilante story and would fight to get the case. Already gaining a name for herself trying to follow in the footsteps of her father known for solving some of the most controversial cases ever in the department. Nina would become the detective to also gain deeper feelings for the vigilante. After learning Ian was the Night Prowler. She becomes one of his most trusted sources in the ACPD. Protecting his secrets and helping his cause with a complex relationship along the way.
After their last encounter seemingly ending in Jester’s death Ian would feel more like he had the potential to live a semi-normal life and take their relationship to the next level. Things began to change between Nina and Ian for the better. Meanwhile a person was beginning to recreate all of Jester’s old crimes. Leaving behind clues to his next target being someone Night Prowler loved. One night Ian would propose to Nina asking her to marry him taking a giant leap. Nina saying yes they would be on a train right after the well thought out proposal. When Jester would stab Ian and kill Nina before his eyes. After Ian would track down Jester in an encounter that would lead to the death of the Jester. Ian would hang up the suit and refuse to put it on again blaming himself for his fiancés death. Nadia would also not suit up again. Ian going into his own exile. Derek would take over the role as the Night Prowler for almost a year. Ian would begin to see Jester feeling it may be as a result of the guilt he tries to ignore it. After an attack on Ian in his home. Derek would have reason to believe Jester was still alive. Ian being asked to help him bring Jester down, Ian would refuse. As a result Derek would be killed in a fight with the Jester shaking Ian back into action. His dying words “Continue the Mission”. Ian would take on Jester and face him trying to reach the former Night Prowler family and bring them together after realizing they are targets. Ian would continue the role as Night Prowler refusing to ever quit again.
The Castle--Ian’s father would start a company in a building that would be referred to by a young Ian as the castle for the appearance outside resembling a castle. Years back the location was used to help benefit the city. Ian every once in a while would be taken to work with his father and play in his office. After his father learned of his son calling it the castle that was all he referred to it as. After the death of his father, Edward Akers, the building would be abandoned and would symbolize the deterioration of the city.  Ian would later use the castle as the primary hideout starting out as the Night Prowler feeling that he was using the location to continue his father’s will. Ian would set up high tech security and use it as a Base of operations in the city. The old subway stations are all connected to the castle as well as the old sewer lines. Ian would have various hideouts and bases after the demise of the castle at the hands of his mother and the council.
The Council would leave clues to where Ian could find his mother and as Night Prowler Ian would find his mother and rescue her. As she began to act very different many people believed it was due to being in captivity. His mother would be revealed to work with the Council and had a hand in on the death of her husband Edward Akers. Being kept in the dark about what would happen with the information she gathered on Edward Akers falling in love with the man she was originally sent to spy on. Lisa would still help the council. When asked to do the same for her son she would lie and keep secrets from both sides to protect her son. She would destroy the castle with Ian inside the building at the Council’s request to prove her loyalty. Giving Ian schematics with the secrets about the base hidden underneath. Ian would save his mother and she would learn he is the Night Prowler. She would become an informant temporarily and after would go into hiding with Ian and Julia’s help. Ian and Julia with the help of Nadia and a few others would help Ian to become a man rather than just a vigilante bringing his humanity back to him.
                Ian is the best trained and the first vigilante to spring into action. Ian is the owner of SC Tech and when he first approaches his role as CEO he uses the resources to build the tech he uses for the Night Prowler Persona. The Primary Motives- He started to save the city. Years Prior the city’s most wealthiest and corrupt built a Council that would control most of the crime in the city breaking the city up into crime empires. The Council also responsible for the death of his family and countless people using their resources to poison a city that is corrupt. His first approach to fixing the city was to do what his father did but in a different approach ”Where my father tried to stop the crime as a man he failed and as I symbol I won’t”. Ian began being a vigilante he would be hidden in the shadows and for nearly 1 year before Nina’s sighting.



 Derek Salvatore /Kid-Avenger/Avenger/Night Prowler II

Derek was thirteen when he was caught in the middle of a major drug circle filled with a city rotting. A teen comes home to find his entire family brutally murdered. After years on the streets, he caught the attention of Ian Akers. After this boy was orphaned he felt guilty for this boy losing his parents much like he did so he tries to adopt the boy and pays for the funeral of his family. Soon after Ian becomes more eager to find and stop his family's murderers. After a while Derek put it together the fact that Ian was Night Prowler. Ian had trained and taught him to live and work through pain, physical and emotional just as he did. Derek learned to master his speed, agility, and strength. He found that there was nothing left to fear after the death of his dark past he lived through. Ian learned to endure pain and endure the harshest conditions and trained rigorously with Ian learning all he could to prepare him. With a love for the night, learned to lurk in the shadows and remain unseen in the darkness. After learning and training his body to the peak of perfection Derek he became known as the Kid-Avenger. Eager to become his own person he became the Avenger. Ian became the acting CEO of SC-Tech after the believed death Ian, Derek began to see the city destroy tear itself apart and became the new Night Prowler leading up to his death and the return of Ian as the Night Prowler.

Grayson Xanders/Kid-Avenger/Avenger
                The Second person to take on the identity of Kid-Avenger and The Avenger. The side kick that was very much impulsive brash and different from the other two in many ways. Grayson was a kid from WestPoint Juvenile facility. Assigned community service after breaking into Steve’s garage and stole a car. Steve tracking him down learning he is just a kid gets him off easy and tries to help him by trying to turn his life around. Training him ruthlessly and teaching him Grayson became the next vigilante using the name of Kid-Avenger and eventually growing to be the Avenger.

 Nadia DiHanks/Night-Girl

The daughter and sister of a detective for the ACPD. She trained herself and stole some things and made some tights and ran out and saved her father with some inventions of her own. But when she took an internship at SC Tech. She used her skills to get in and stole some weaponry. Then she upgraded her suit and went out and caught some attention then Steve looked into it. And Ian faced off against this girl then Steve learned who she was and talked to her and said he could train her correctly and she could work with them. She became the Night girl and protects the streets. She is Sarcastic often makes jokes and acts like a normal young teenage girl.

Kyle Johns/Kid-Avenger/Avenger

                After being a child brought up be abusive step parents Kyle ran away and stole and would work side jobs for crime bosses due to his amazing memory and use his size to work small jobs where he learned his skills. Kyle was often cheated and had a harsh child hood till Steve saved his life after he stole from the crime bosses that cheated him. Ian tried to help this 10 year old boy off the streets. Ian helps by giving him a place to stay in the mansion and food but soon after this Ian’s duel identity became known eager to be in the field he became the Kid-Avenger, and grew up to become the next person to take on the guise of the Avenger. Youngest of the Night Prowler family. Kyle is the son of Sicarius and tries to be more than his father working with Ian. He is taught to fight and has suppressed memories and didn’t know he was the son of Sicarius.

Stephanie Carles/Kid-Avenger/Night-Girl

                A girl that trained in gymnastics, she is taken in and trained deeper with Ian Akers. She is very agile and very fast but her strength isn't different from most teenage girls. Stephanie is smart and learns amazing accuracy. She was born in a crime oriented family. Very sarcastic and often doesn't do well when it comes to listening to orders. Stephanie was born in Arbor City. Her father a DA and her mother is unknown. Stephanie is eager to learn about her mother and it is believed that she is the child of Stephen Slater. Stephanie is alive in the moment type of girl. Stephanie becomes known as the first female Kid-Avenger. Stephanie eventually learned the truth that her father was Stephen Slater. That grows to be Night-Girl.


                Years after Ian stops being Night Prowler. With all the wear and tear taking a serious toll on Ian’s body. He spent his time in solitude. Using his wealth and fortune he would look to save the city. Aiden Graysen: local teen with a bad boy like mentality with a normal life sneaks out and goes to a high school party. When he does disobeying his family, Aiden’s family is killed in an alley way on the way to pick up their family. Ian using a experimental drug is keeping himself alive at the moment keeping him from dying of old age. With Night Prowler gone for the last 50+ years people begin believing he was a myth. Aiden after the death of his parents looks for the Night Prowler believing the legend believing he can stop the person that attacked them his search lands him to finding the lair and finding Ian Akers. After Ian would take Aiden in and train him to be the next Night Prowler. With a new suit and new gadgets he becomes known as the new Night’s Demon. Aiden is much like Ian however his skills do take longer than that of Ian. Aiden leaves his life behind to stop the Council and put an end to their control of the city.

Physical Description:

Height: 6’5”
Weight: 172 LBS
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Gender: Male

Distinguishing Features: Facial Hair [12 o clock shadow] Scars covering 25% of his body, Broken bones that haven’t properly healed


1.        Strength
a.     Ian has trained his body to lift up to 1000 Lbs
b.     He has border line super strength due to his ability to perfect his human strength.
2.        Speed
a.     Ian Has trained his speed and endurance to help him in his crusade
b.     despite not being a meta-human Ian’s reflexes and speed Is almost unparalleled.
3.        Agility
a.        Ian utilizes Parkour and free running where he learned on his own
4.        Martial Arts and Fighting Expert
a.     Ian has often used the Night Prowler Shuriken as a dagger almost using it during combat at times.
b.     Ian took his time to learn and make his own style of fighting by fusing all he learned together into one.
5.        Intellect
a.     Ian created almost all of his gadgets and Tech inventing and modifying countless experiments intended originally for other purposes.
b.     Often Ian is prepared for virtually anything. He is the Outsider Universe greatest Detective.
c.     Ian is constantly inventing new gadgets and tech used from failed Akers Tech Enterprises to serve his agenda.
6.        Indomitable will
a.     He is strong willed and has determination that makes him abnormal and his intellect is that of genius.
b.     Ian mastered his will power and strength by mastering his tolerance of pain. Learning to analyze a situation rather than rushing in honing his strategy skills.
7.        Stealth-
a.        Ian has trained to become virtually invisible without the aid of the active camo built into the suit.

8.        The Suit—

a.     First Night Prowler suit- was relied heavily on Ian’s skills did not protect him from anything due to the fact that the early suit was just cloth. it was easy to maneuver in despite it being more dangerous.
b.     The Night Prowler Suit
                                                               i.      Still easy to maneuver around while it is more protective than the cloth.
                                                              ii.      One Suit upgrade is that the suit has active camouflage
c.     extended glide cape/winged design
d.     Ian has multiple suits that have evolved overtime and that are used in different occasions.
      the newer suit is with light armor that makes it less vulnerable to fire arms knives and high falls.
      Battle Suit- one suit variation is a large armor almost made like a humanoid tank.
      Night Prowler X suit- is armed up with the potential to heighten strength and speed while in it but the suit was never       perfected by Ian.


a.        Night Prowler Shuriken- A bladed shuriken that can be used for various purposes.
b.        Smart Night Prowler Shuriken-One that is able to lock on through the lenses and hit the location programmed
c.        Sonic Night Prowler Shuriken- One that can disrupt all technology and communications that are not protected. Can have a high pitched tone that would sound like a dog whistle to people.
d.        Static Night Prowler Shuriken- Acts as a long range taser. Takes down the enemy quickly and efficiently.
e.        Explosive Night Prowler Shuriken- Preset device that can be programmed to explode at a set time period or remotely through remote. 
f.         Grapple gun [Hooks on to the wrist.]
g.        Smoke Pellet- A small sphere capsule filled with compressed dried ice used to disappear or disorient enemies.
h.        Tear gas smoke pellet- A small sphere capsule that is filled with compressed tear gas can be used as well to disorient enemies and irritate eyes and make it harder to breathe without proper protective gear.
i.         Knock out gas Smoke Pellet- A small sphere capsule that contains compressed knockout gas.
j.         Freeze Capsule- A small capsule compressed with liquid nitrogen can freeze through a steel door
k.        Explosives
l.         The Nano
m.      Line Launch
n.        Specialized Lenses
o.        Jammer
p.        Explosive Pellets
q.        Flash Bang detonator
r.         Holograph- not perfected but can be used as a distraction at times
s.        Plasma Blade- Used to cut through objects, and can create fires
t.         Cauterize Patch- Used to burn a wound to prevent major blood loss.


                 Fitting the description tall, dark and handsome. Ian has a muscular build. Ian has black stubble with Green eyes and black hair. Sturdy tall and fit appearance as Night Prowler his eyes are white and with no facial features humanizing him he looks intimidating and almost demonic looking at times. His appearance alone is something that makes a person fear him.


Ian is dark and brooding with a very determined mindset. Starting his vigilante tendencies with a personal vendetta he eventually sets out to take on more than just the Council. With a mindset to look at things from a very realistic [in most cases worst case scenario] preparing for any and all outcomes. Ian always being or coming off as someone who is five steps ahead. He is very suspicious and has major trust issues. His father being very active in uncovering the truth on a secret society known as ‘The Council’, Ian has inherited his father’s brilliance, sharing a great deal of compassion and restraint. Night Prowler demonstrates his restraint by refraining from killing his enemies. At first Ian killing his enemies grows to realize he can be more after taking his first life The murderer of his father.  There has been another time where Ian has come close to crossing the line due to Jester killing the love of his life Nina White. Ian is stubborn but usually right, he doesn’t like admitting he is wrong. Night Prowler uses fear and intimidation. Night Prowler unlike most heroes is referred to as one of most intimidating vigilantes. With no meta-human abilities Night Prowler with a single look can make a person intimidating. A man with few words. At times Ian seems to have three different personas The Night Prowler, The CEO, Ian Akers that he shows to people close to him. As a CEO his competitive edge and determination shows but so does his compassion and brilliance. Ian is not like most when it comes to being a play boy billionaire people will rarely see him in that light. Ian has precision and focus which is almost abnormal this drive and desire to be better makes him one of the greatest heroes. Ian pushes himself far beyond limits and tries to surpass those limits to protect his city. Ian is a loner and is plagued by mistrust. Mistakes he makes plagues him. His mental strength and capability to have the will power is something that Ian has mastered. A detective in spirit Ian grew up trying to figure out the mysteries that surrounded his father’s death and mother’s disappearance. Ian tries to refrain from being in the public eye. And uses his brilliance to make gear the uses [intended for other projects] to serve his own crusade. Always finds away to get the job done but despite seldom occasions he does not kill. Ian has been known to be particular about certain people and who he works alongside. Anything going on in Arbor, or Hell Haven is usually his territory.

The Suit:

Ian is vulnerable to gun fire and knives just like any other person. What separates Ian from a normal person is his will and determination. His training partially helped him to learn how to work through physical pain with a resistance that is virtually impossible. Ian learns various fighting styles and stealth. When he makes his first suit it is nothing more than a hoodie that he makes with no serious protection Ian relied heavily on his intellect and training for years.

Suit II

Adding a lightweight armor to the suit that was helpful against small fire arms and knives helped him to take on less damage than he previously had.

Suit III

Ian upgrades the suit and many other devices on his own [No Lucius Fox character.] Ian builds his own technology and does things people haven’t even though to do [Much like Tony Stark AKA Iron-Man]As time progresses Ian works on the suit giving it applications such as Active-Camouflage [Much like Predator.] Ian fights with The Night Prowler Shurikens almost like blades or homemade daggers. His suit has a grapple gun that attaches to the gauntlets [forearms.] of the suit. He possesses on each gauntlet a grappler. The tech he uses however as stated before are actually failed concepts and ideas for projects that were not originally necessarily intended for the same use as he uses them for. The tech helps Ian to become more intimidating and at times Ian looks like a demon in the night which is where he gets most of his nicknames. With computer to help aid him he also has Julia work with him.

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