Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Outsider "Turning-Point In My Life"

My rationale

Without trying to make this into an auto-biography, The role that Outsider has played in my life in two words is life altering. Never in my life did I feel like I fit in or like I personally belonged anywhere. Never felt like anyone really had the same desires I had when it came to making the characters and doing the things I have done. People rarely know what they want to do for the rest of their life, I was fortunate enough to know what I wanted to do from the very beginning. I always wanted to be an entertainer. Outsider came after I moved in with my aunt. After creating Outsider a physical embodiment of myself with certain aspects taken from reality and twisted around to drive a story with other outside influences as inspirations. With an aunt that for the most part kept me from having a social life I utilized the time to build an escape. The Outsider has become something that has driven me. I normally type most of my free time and edit concept photos. I at first had started it with my best friend Sal Reigns and eventually would reinvent it in 2006 meeting Frank West we would start planning out ideas. Frank and I however drifted apart and stopped working together on the expanding universe. After years of editing and revising I started a Facebook Fan Page to further get the concept out never dreaming it could grow as quickly as it did. Currently I want to get the concept out there for the world to see since the day it was copy-written.
               The Outsider is extremely important to me. I started writing and drawing the concept nearly 11 years ago with the intention of getting the concept picked up. I have dreamt of making The Outsider a success and had support from fans via the internet. The reason however this project is important to me is because growing up I didn’t really have parents who were there for me or a family supporting me. In fact some tried to discourage me, this I feel drives me and should any person with a dream. From the time I was a child the only heroes I really could turn to were in comic books dreaming my creations would be there with the heroes I once read about.
            This was inspired by many things Smallville, Batman, Prototype and countless other characters, as well as the life I had lived through. This isn’t a sob story but I was never the popular kid in school I didn’t have a lot of friends and sure people would say I had to grow up faster than I should have. In the name alone it mirrors how I felt growing up different, an outsider. The character I am portraying is very much similar to me in who he is as a person and the life and way he feels. The Outsider became my outlet for years when kids were out going to the mall I spent that time writing, planning and thinking of storylines dreaming I make The Outsider something more. My goal is to make it more than a Television series, or a video game or movie but a new universe of comics.

            To me this is more than a story, more than a vigilante, or an outlet this is to some extent the life I wished I had. There is passion, blood, tears and endless amounts of work devotion. Failure is not an option not because I am arrogant or cocky but because after all this time I refuse to allow it. I have had had people mock and tear down my ideas just as much as I have had people build up and support, some people being members of my own family. I am driven to prove every doubter wrong and make every person who believes in me proud. To me this means more to me than certain people will ever know because despite me creating The Outsider and other characters to some extent Outsider has made me who I am. The Outsider is who I am and will always be a part of me.  

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